My dog eats acorns. Is it poisonous for him?
The falling of an acorn is the blessing of the autumn season and increases its beauty when the oak tree drops its nut on the ground, where it becomes ready to appear in front of squirrels, foxes, and dogs.
Yet, are acorns poisonous for your dog? It is a big query that dog owners want to explore. The dogs, while walking, are addicted to sniffing and exploring the things around them. And therefore, they are more likely to get acorns, and if hungry, they will ingest them. According to the survey, owners who live near oak trees report that their dogs frequently have digestive issues. And sometimes, this can be worse, like kidney failure or improper working of the lungs. So, keep reading below if you want to know why acorns are toxic for your pooch. What are the symptoms if your dog is infected with them? And how are acorn poisonous treated in dogs?
Why are acorns toxic for my dog?
Acorns that fall from oak trees are poisonous for dogs as they contain a heavy amount of tannin, which is unacceptable for your dog’s health. And if your dog is consuming these acorns, it might have digestion problems in the stomach due to the hard shell.
Moreover, acorns also cause kidney and lung failure and, ultimately, can easily lead a healthy dog toward death. Yet, if you find your dog eating acorns, immediately contact the veterinarian before it’s too late for your pooch.
Not only are acorns bad for your dog’s health, but their leaves are even worse for the dog’s internal system. Moreover, immature acorns contain more tannins, so they infect more than mature acorns. The poison that comes from tannins is known as Quercus poison, which is lethal for your furry friend.
What are the symptoms a dog shows if he has eaten acorns?
Common symptoms in this regard include;
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Drooling
- Lethargy
- Retching
However, it also depends on the number of acorns he has taken. Or when he has eaten the acorns last time. Like, if he has eaten just one acorn he will get diarrhea or normal vomit. However, if he consumes acorns on a regular basis or consumes a large number of acorns in a single sitting, he may develop renal failure.
What is the treatment for acorn poisoning in dogs?
If your dog has eaten acorn don’t try to induce vomit in it. You need to consult your veterinarian immediately. According to the veterinarian, x-rays will tell whether your dog’s stomach has some blockage or not. And in severe cases, immediate surgery is required.
Veterinarians also collect your dog’s blood sample if needed. And sometimes, your dog needs immediate medication to decrease the vomiting and pain.
How to prevent your dog from eating acorns?
- Prevention is better than cure, especially when the treatment and nature of the disease are too bad.
- Always try to avoid the oak trees when you are with your little furry friend. Especially during the autumn and winter seasons, when the growth of these trees is at its peak.
- But, if not possible keep an eye on your dog so that he will not eat.
- Also, train your dog on the “drop” and “command” in this regard.
What are the other nut trees a dog should avoid?
Different types of nuts that trees produce provide different levels of risk to your dog. The majority of nuts, especially those with a hard shell, pose a choking risk. Tree nuts that have fallen to the ground may become wet and grow a mold that is poisonous to dogs and can cause seizures and other neurological problems. Nuts contain a lot of fat. They could be overly fatty for a dog’s diet, which could lead to pancreatitis and obesity. Different trees in this regard include;
- Almonds
- Cash chews
- Hazelnut
- Pine nuts
- Pecans
- Macadamia nuts
- Pistachios
- Walnuts
Are some dogs more vulnerable to acorns that are poisonous than others?
Yes, some breeds are more curious and tend to eat everything they find on the ground without considering their health. Such breeds get more acorn poison than others. Similarly, small puppies have less stable immune systems than adults, so they are more susceptible to get tannin poison in this regard.
How long does tannin poison take to infect the dog?
It depends upon the number of acorns he has eaten. Normally, it shows the symptoms after 24 to 28 hours. However, if a few acorns have been eaten, it might take 48 hours. It is worse for a dog to show late symptoms as more time means more danger.
Can a dog poop out the acorns?
Yes, it is possible, but depending upon the size and quantity of acorns he has taken. Moreover, small puppies do not have a well-developed digestive system to poop out acorns. Yet, adult dogs can release acorns if they have consumed them in less quantity.
Why does my dog want to eat acorns?
Dogs are naturally curious creatures who use their mouths and noses to investigate their surroundings. If allowed, they can eat several acorns in a day which can prove to be fatal for them. Acorns are poisonous to dogs, even in minor amounts. Therefore, it is prime to call your veterinarian right away if you have a slight doubt that your dog has eaten acorns.
Oak leaf chewing is safe for pups?
Young oak leaves and oak acorns are not only a choking threat, but they also contain a substance called gallotannin that can cause severe gastrointestinal ailments in dogs, including vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, and liver and kidney damage.